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- PsL #11726
- CD-QUICK for Windows 95, version 1.20
- Please send your Check or Please send your Credit
- or Money Order to: Card Order to:
- Peter Volpa PsL
- Circuit Systems P.O. Box 35705
- 418 Church Road Houston, TX 77235-5705
- Sicklerville, NJ 08081-1727 U.S.A. U.S.A.
- We offer special prices/discounts on quantity orders and multiple-
- user/site licenses. Please write for more information.
- Please send me the latest registered version of CD-QUICK Cache and
- my personal KeyCode. This also includes the utility QUICKMON and
- a licensed copy of the DOS/Windows 3.x version for use on Win95.
- ____ CD-QUICK, Individual Lifetime Registration ....... $ _______
- ($29, will immediately receive official registered
- version with full documentation on disk)
- New Jersey residents, please add 6% sales tax .... $ _______
- Overseas Shipping and Handling ................... $ _______
- (For orders outside the U.S. only, $3)
- Total $ _______
- Payment by:
- [ ] Visa [ ] MC [ ] Amex [ ] Disc [ ] Check [ ] Money Order
- Card Number : ______ ______ ______ ______ Exp: ___________
- Signature : ___________________________ Date _______________
- All orders will be sent on 3.5 inch diskettes.
- Payment must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank or in the form
- of an international money order payable in U.S. funds.
- Specifications and pricing are subject to change without notice.
- Name : ______________________________________________________
- (Company:) ______________________________________________________
- Address : ______________________________________________________
- : ______________________________________________________
- : ______________________________________________________
- Tell us where you heard of CD-QUICK! _____________________________